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Writer's pictureMarjorie

Waking up easier with these 10 tips

You want to get up easier, but have trouble getting out of bed? Sunrise is later and later during the fall. It causes it to still be dark when it's time to get up. That makes it harder for some people to get out of bed.

With these 10 tips, we'll help you waking up early and explain why you should. A good night's sleep gives that you are rested in the morning. Getting up will then be easier. The first four advices focus on improving the quality and duration of your sleep. The next six tips are helpful in starting the new day.

Waking up easier with these 10 tips

Good sleep advices

Eating and drinking before sleeping

Getting up easier starts with a good night's sleep.Not eating for the last 2-3 hours before bed can improve the quality and duration of your sleep. Also pay attention to any caffeine and alcohol consumption. Read more about this in a blog I wrote earlier: Eating, drinking and (not) sleeping.

Fixed routine

Provide rest in the final hours before bedtime. A relaxed evening routine and set times to go to bed . This can help you fall asleep quickly and therefore get up easier in the morning.


You can improve quality of sleep by providing a dark bedroom at night. Nighttime light is one of the factors that can negatively affect the quality of sleep. This can be due to light in the home, as well as streetlights. So close blackout curtains, don't use a night light or do use a sleep mask. Sleeping in the dark can help you sleep better and wake up more rested.

Sleep quantity

Some say they have no sleep problems and only have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. The cause then often lies in the duration of sleep. With six hours of sleep, most people still function fine, but it is not optimal.

This is reflected in difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. An adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night.

If you want to get out of bed easier in the morning, prioritize your sleep. Calculate what time you need to go to bed to get to 7-9 hours of sleep. Suppose you have to get up for work at 6 a.m., you should go to bed between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m.

Waking up tips

What can you do to make getting up easier?


When it's hard to wake up, the snooze button on the alarm clock is tempting. Just a couple more minutes of extra sleep. For some people, snoozing is a habit.

Does this apply to you, too? Realize that the cause for this often lies in too little good sleep, both in the quality and duration of sleep.

The short period of sleep we get between hitting the snooze button - five or 10 minutes at a time - is not a restorative sleep. It adds hardly any quantity and certainly no quality to our sleep. Therefore, slumbering a little longer is a waste of time. It can also make us feel groggy when we get up.


Sunlight is the most important, natural signal for waking up. To help your rhythm, it is recommended that you expose yourself to bright light at or shortly after waking up. An alarm clock that starts giving more and more light half an hour before going off can help you do this. When it is light outside, open the curtains and sit in front of the window as soon as the sun is up. Or go outside.


During the times of year when it is still dark when you get up, you can use a daylight lamp with 10,000 lux or light therapy glasses that achieve the same effect with blue light and 135 lux. The light, which enters through the eyes, causes the production of the sleep hormone melatonin to be suppressed.

For the optimal effect, I recommend being in the light within 10 to 30 minutes after waking up at the latest and preferably between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.. At the same time every day. A light therapy session lasts 20-60 minutes. With AYOlite light glasses, you can follow your regular morning routine during your light therapy. This way, it doesn't take extra time and you start your day with more energy.

Are you interested in purchasing the AYOlite light therapy glasses? Then check out my webshop.

Questions about light therapy can be asked by sending an e-mail to I am happy to help.


Water can give you more energy in the morning in several ways. In general, we are least hydrated in the morning. Good hydration contributes to feeling awake and better concentration. Therefore, it is good to drink water throughout your morning routine.

Cold water

Showering can also help you wake up faster. In particular, cold water has a stimulating effect. Ending your hot shower with 30 seconds of cold water after waking up helps you feel fit and energized faster. If you shower in the evening, you can wash your face with cold water in the morning.

Start your day with God

In Mark 1:35 we read Jesus got up very early in the morning to pray. This contact with His Father at the beginning of the day gave Him strength. We may follow this example.

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD;

in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.


For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous;

with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield."

Psalms 5:3 and 12.

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